Sales Performance Management: Centro Carni Company
Sales Performance Management: from the process to the measurement of performances
The Company: Centro Carni Company
The passion for work, a long family tradition and the attention to quality and food well-being make Centro Carni Company a leading company in the Italian beef sector.
Centro Carni Company operates on an area of 6,000 covered square meters. In 2020 a new expansion started, for a total of 18,000 square meters.
A constant development trend has positively marked the business year after year, confirming the company’s choices in terms of quality, innovation and service.
The main numbers:
- year of foundation: 1979
- more than 100 employees
- 3 production lines
- over 16 million kg of sold meat per year
- 107 million euros in turnover
- 4 brands
- 21 countries to which products are exported
The context
Since the year 2000, when it took the name of Cento Carni Company SpA, the company has experienced a constant and continuous development that has led it to exceed 100 million Euros in turnover.
In recent years this corporate growth and the ever-increasing competition in the reference market made its managers aware that a significant process of organizational, managerial and cultural change had to be undertaken: from a family business with a strong product connotation to a managerial company, combining quality and passion with innovation and attention to the customer and the service provided.
All this maintaining the two pillars on which Centro Carni Company founded its success: people and value for the customer.
The definition of the company Vision allowed to design a development path, highlighting the intervention priorities in order to make the growth of the company and its positioning on the market constant and sustainable over time.
This made necessary to rethink the way of managing the company in an increasingly globalized market with very fast dynamics, such as the industrial sector of meat.
In particular, in the commercial area specific projects started with the aim of introducing methods and tools based on analytical and scientific approaches, providing the company a new model of transferring the value to the client, through the active involvement of people.
A deep knowledge of the Customer Journey and the segmentation by channel and type will allow Centro Carni to always respond at its best in terms of products and services offered.
In this context of professional growth, the need of managing operational data through a unique, dynamic system has also increased, easily integrating data from different sources.
Mosaic and JMAC Staufen have been chosen to drive Centro Carni Company in this managerial path, acting as real partners and working alongside people to support them in achieving their objectives.
The project objectives
- Acquire a formalized sales planning and management method that identifies objectives in a shared way, improving the predictive skills of all people
- Develop a lean operating methodology, increasing the effectiveness of the commercial action, in line with the strategy and budget objectives
- Promote and adopt the PDCA cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Act) in day-by-day operational commercial practice
- Give homogeneity to the working method, to speak all the “same language”, spreading best practices
- Build an information heritage and a basic, homogeneous and widespread cultural background
- Promote customer segmentation to increase operational efficiency and reduce waste
- Identify the target customer segments
Performance measurement
- Have a stable database
- Have a performing reporting, easily navigable and accessible for specific levels of users
- Eliminate Excel as the main source of corporate reporting
- Have a tool that can also manage workflows based on company data, insted of one that simply shows data
- Have an extremely flexible and reliable model, capable of following the company’s business developments
- Use the Business Intelligence platform in order to structure the planning processes (sales & financial planning)
- Use the Business Intelligence platform to manage segmentation strategies and predictive analyses
Why Mosaic and JMAC Staufen
Mosaic and JMAC Staufen operate in the management consultancy business.
Both companies have experienced on the field the importance of developing value for companies through the best integration between efficient and shared processes and advanced technological tools to support business decisions.
Mosaic is focused on technological solutions, working alongside companies to:
- implement integrated Business Intelligence and Performance Management models
- integrate data from different sources
- develop reliable planning applications able to guarantee complete control of the processes, eliminating the discretion and the high probability of error brought by the spreadsheets
- develop applications and reporting environments designed specifically for the real needs of companies
JMAC Staufen develops and implements methodologies useful to:
- stabilize the customer-company relationship (trust oriented)
- define commercial processes aligning services to the value and needs of the customer
- promote the excellence of processes through the measurement of qualitative / quantitative performances and the activation of a continuous improvement path.
Both believe that the distinctiveness and success of an offer on Sales Performance Management depends on the ability to offer process skills combined with technological know-how.
The project path in Centro Carni Company
Phase 1: The Process
Phase 2: Business Intelligence implementation
Success key factors of the CCC project: a distinctive synergy
In order to overcome resistance to change, an approach of concentrating efforts on a winning project was used. This project became the example (“lighthouse”) for the rest of the company and for the continuation of the change process.
The key success factors are:
- Project synergy: the definition of commercial objectives, of the planning process and KPI (PHASE 1) and the data analysis (PHASE 2) made the implementation of BOARD platform faster and clearer
- Company KPIs: deep analysis and design of a set of KPIs, fully integrated with company data
- A unique contact person for the project: direct and univocal channel for information relating to the project; creation of a competence center dedicated to Business Intelligence within the company
- Shared construction of the planning tool: the involvement of salespeople from the initial stage of the Sales Plan project has made it possible to identify a “useful” and shared operational model
- Commitment on the project: Centro Carni organization was strongly focused on achieving tangible objectives from the Sales Planning and Business Intelligence projects, once again promoting the rapid and concrete development of the project
- Consultant experience: pool of Senior Consultants with twenty years of experience in consultancy and technology
An example of tangible results
Speed of implementation
The shared definition of the performance indicators has made it possible to significantly reduce the time and costs of the project (comparison with comparable benchmarks)
Rate of use of the tool
High involvement of people in the definition of content has made it possible to obtain a high rate of system use and a significant return on investment
The results according to Centro Carni Company
“The distinctive character of Centro Carni is to pursue win-win strategies with partners and suppliers and this project is proof of this.
Our main goal is to listen to our customers and offer them products and services that solve their needs.
Now we make decisions based on reliable and daily updated data, planning commercial actions following the PDCA approach“.
Raffaele Pilotto Sales & Marketing Director
“Now everyone speaks the same language and uses the same data.
We have reduced the waste of time and the margins of error, we use managerial methods and tools based on analytical and scientific approaches”.
Monica Antonello Process Excellence